Same Sire Performance - Reliable Man
Win 2nd 3rd Run Distance Won
RELIABLE TEAM (Retired) 7 3 5 35 1200m-2000m
PACKING VICTORY (Deregistered) 5 2 1 12 1200m-1400m
MASSIVE ACTION 4 3 1 38 1400m-1650m
BRILLIANT WAY (Retired) 3 4 1 21 1200m-1400m
WORLD FAMOUS (Retired) 3 4 1 48 1650m-1800m
RELIABLE PROFIT 3 1 1 16 1650m-1800m
JOLLY HONOUR (Retired) 2 6 7 58 1650m
BUNDLE OF ENERGY (Retired) 1 4 4 28 1400m
PROUD DRAGON (Retired) 0 2 2 23 -
EMBRACES 0 2 0 5 -
Total 28(10%) 31(11%) 23(8%) 284

The information contained in Same Sire Performance is provided for reference only.
Past performance for same-sire runners are not indicative of their future performance.